Friday, June 10, 2011

2-7 “Full Cooperation”

She brings us our drinks, the sage water here is as good as ever. After managing a few more orders she comes back to us.

“So, what questions does The Watch want answered today?”

I hold up the sketch of the victim and the sketch of the man the victim talked to at the bar on the day he was killed.

“Do you recognize either of these two?”

She looks the two portraits over for a moment. “Yeah,” she indicates the victim's picture, “I don't know much about him but I remember how ridiculous he looked when he came in here. The guy wasn't a regular.”

She then indicates the other sketch, “This one is Peter Moldmaker. He used to come in here every other day for lunch and mead. Haven't seen him in about four days though. He runs a small metal sculpture shop in the southwestern part of town. Never started talking about it until he was right drunk, never got an intelligible address for the place. Anything else?”

The missing persons started being localized to the southern section of town about four days ago, that's worth looking into.

“Have you heard much about the missing persons lately?”

Selena has good ears and is probably in the know of much of what various underground organizations are up to. She doesn't talk unless asked, but she's always cooperative. Funny thing is, the criminals know she's a willing informant. They haven't managed to silence her, so they try to avoid discussing their own affairs around her, instead talking about the plans of their competition.

“No, I'm afraid not. I imagine that the damn slavers, and blue dust runners are all laying low until it blows over.”

We had originally thought that the missing people could have been kidnapings carried out by the people trying to start an underground slave trade here. After so many people with families or a lot of contacts were reported missing, we decided that it was more likely to be unrelated. Usually they try to pick up new folks in the city, people not many would notice disappearing.

Investigator Freeman enters the building. He starts questioning some of the customers.

“Well, I have some information to pass along. Drink was wonderful as usual. Good afternoon.”

I empty my cup and leave the payment plus tip for Selena. Investigator Freeman will be glad to hear we have some real leads finally.

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