Saturday, February 26, 2011

1-5 “Thing”

I reflexively activate and toss one of my standard issue light rods to the middle of the clearing. Usually more effective than a torch, it isn't much help here. I still can't quite make out this things shape in the shadows. It's currently looming over Tracker Stanton, and I'm not about to lose a man to my own uncertainty.

Charging, I bring my halberd forward and down onto the things back. No sound other than the crack of metal on soft rock. I only feel the hide, or whatever this thing is covered in, give way a little. I cant even try to tackle something this big off of someone, its easily bigger than a full grown bull.

“Come on! Off him! Pay attention to me!” I hear a gasp from Stanton. The thing is ignoring me, so I drop another Light rod after a second ineffectual swing. I can see it now, though the darkness lingers, it almost looks as if a sculptor couldn't decide what animal he wanted to carve. Before me stands a translucent crystalline being that looks like a mix of animals. I can see the light being drawn towards and into this thing.

Everything that I see mixed here is native to the region, or one of the missing animals. Deer antlers, a wolfish mouth, bovine legs, a real amalgamation of parts. Are those tiny little chicken wings, I see?

Now that I see a head to attack, I take a swing. Stanton seems to have been stunned by its tackle, only now reaching for his weapon. At this first sign of movement the creature opens its mouth and fires a 'tongue' at him, piercing his shoulder. Stanton freezes, he doesn't go limp, he doesn't yell, he just freezes. I'd cut the tongue off, but I would need to swing so hard I might hit Stanton underneath.

I get a swing into a soft spot, at least this thing has some. It pays me back by jabbing at me with those antlers. I'm slow to duck to the side, and it tosses me several feet back. I get up in time to see it open its mouth impossibly wide and swallow Stanton whole.

When I was young, my father once took me to see the ocean. We went fishing and caught a jellyfish that had caught a smaller fish. I had never thought about what that fish must've been going through until I saw Stanton inside that Creature, its 'stomach' distending with the frozen prey inside.

It turns to me. Its tongue flashes out again. I sidestep, but it still grazes my arm, cutting right through the leather protecting it. I feel it, something trying to wrest my body from my control, keep me still.

This isn't poison, it's magic, I can fight back against that.

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