Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1-6 “Slayer”

It rushes at me. Focusing on the pain and my duty to save Stanton, I throw myself to the side. It misses me and continues into a tree. Considering that tongue, I decide the reach of a halberd isn't better than the protection of a shield. I drop the halberd and pull my shield out of my bag, it's already properly equipped as I withdraw my arm.

How does this bag do that? FOCUS!

I draw my shortsword as the beast turns back towards me. One of its antlers must have stuck in the trees, part of it is broken off now. The light sticks are dying strangely early, but for some reason the level of light in the area is increasing, maybe it's had its fill of light and can't eat anymore. I can see more clearly, the joints, and the stomach bulge look more organic. I will focus my swings there.

The amalgam fires its tongue at me once again, I feel the punch of it on my shield, the tongue is deflected. I rush forward and to the side as it snaps at me. First things first, I swipe my sword along its flank. The blade cuts cleanly through. Stanton flops unceremoniously to the ground, still stuck in that position. The thing motions with its head as if howling in pain.

The amalgam kicks back at me with a clawed hoof. I deflect the shot with my shield, my arm wound doesn't appreciate it, and thrust my sword into the thing's knee, crippling blows for against the larger opponent. It staggers as it kicks out with the other rear leg. Again, I catch the shot on my shield. This time, though, the shot is centered and knocks me down, my shoulder flares in pain.

It turns around as I try to get up. I think I tore that arm wound further. I can't put my weight on it, thank the gods it's my off hand. It tries to bite. I shove my shield into its mouth as I pull my arm out of it. OW! I am caught by one of the teeth on my way back, at least it has helped pull me back to my feet.

It tries to shake my shield out of its mouth. I bring my sword down into the top of its neck. It starts seizing, and falls to the side. I go back to my halberd, pick it up and use it to decapitate the beast, no sense being close enough to get knocked out by a random spasm. The spasms stop. That was a mistake, ow, should've used a staunch stick on the wound on my arm first. Actually, should've used a staunch stick on that before fighting further.

Staunch sticks, every watchman is supposed to keep two on him at all times. These things are very nice, you crack one over a wound and it stops the bleeding and helps prevent further degradation. You still need to find a healer or medic to treat it properly, but at least it stops you from bleeding out or, in my case, tearing a wound further. I apply one to the gash on my upper arm that I foolishly tore further already. I should make sure I don't need to use one on Stanton before healing the cut I got from its tooth, they aren't standard issue for trackers.

I move to check on Stanton.

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