Monday, March 14, 2011

1-9 “Enforcement”

Halt, drop your weapons! You are under arrest. Resist, and I will use force!”

Who am I fooling? All five of us know that this situation is going to turn out violently. Surprised it made them stop a beat before charging, though. Stanton had better reload fast, I don't like three on one odds.

They prove that their skills are as shoddy as their equipment, charging even though there is a fair amount of brush between us and I have a weapon with more reach. I'd go for non-lethal blows, but I'm not in condition to hold back against multiple people that are clearly going to try their best, as poor as that may be, to kill me.

I thrust the tip of my halberd into the chest of the guy on the right and pace backwards to keep distance as the other two vault the bush. I trip one with a sweep of my weapon. I'm slow to bring it back up to defend with this arm wound, but the other bandit catches a crossbow bolt to the neck as he closes on me. He falls and blood begins to pool around him quickly, must've hit an artery. The guy on the ground tries to get up, but I kick him over. I keep him at the tip of my halberd.

“I repeat, you are under arrest. Resist, and I will use force.”

For emphasis I poke him in the collarbone. Must be greener than green, he faints. Stanton walks over while I pull shackles out from my bag.

“Thanks for the save, I think we should tie this guy to a tree by the road for a patrol to find. We are in a bit of a hurry. I'd drag him along if we weren't. Check the guy I stabbed.”

I bind the guys arms behind his back, It'll be a pain to drag him all the way to the road, especially if he wakes up and is uncooperative. Stanton, checks on the first two that got dropped.

“First guy I shot is dead, got a clean shot right into his temple. The other is also dead. The one you stabbed is still alive but is probably going to bleed out before we even hit the road.”

He looks as bad a Stanton says, there wouldn't be any point in dragging him along too.

“Help me carry this one, then. We'll leave a note telling the patrol where to find these bodies.”

We heft the survivor between us and head for the road. We get there without any further issue. I tie him to the side of a tree and secure his legs while I'm at it. He won't be going anywhere without help, and those manacles will be near impossible to get of without the right key, or losing a hand. A patrol passes us as we head along the path back to town. I tell them what to expect down the road. They'll take care of that one.

The remainder of the trip is uneventful, we're back.

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