Friday, March 25, 2011

1-12 “Butler”

I check out both corners on this side of the room as I pass them, and the door closes behind me. I enter the first antechamber. Having passed the corners and confirmed them as empty, I keep my eyes on the three doors leading into the room. It may seem like paranoia, but this time I'm finally going to catch him. He's not going to sneak up on . . .

“Hello Mister Denwatch, what brings you here today?”

I jump slightly in surprise and turn around to face The Keep's head butler Theomund, how the bloody hell does he manage to do that, every time. I have never once seen him enter a room, he's just always there.

He looks better than he used to while Iztram was in charge. He's a fair bit younger than I am, but you wouldn't know it by looking at him. His hair is flecked with gray and his eyes are those of a man who has seen too much. Rumor has it that Iztram had him do some pretty outrageous things, even had him carry out assassinations. Though considering what Iztram did to his parents, maybe he needed to go unnoticed all the time in order to avoid random punishment.

“We received orders from Lady Hefthammer to report any 'crystalline phenomena' to the Lords and Ladies here.”

“I would let you in to see them, but they left on urgent business with the neighboring duchy to our East, and aren't expected back for a few days. Would you like me to take the message and have them contact you when they return?”

They do come and go fairly frequently, sometimes I wonder how much of what they're doing is business and how much is just running off and doing heroic deeds. I relay the story to him, and let him know that I intend to investigate the Averdine estate.

“I doubt she's at the bottom of this, but she could be a good source of information, if the Masters come back early I'll let them know that's where you're headed.”

“Thank you.”

I pass by him on my way toward the exit, and as I do I turn suddenly. It's too late though, empty. I've also still yet to see him leave a room...

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